Test Your Hearing

Free Online Hearing Test

Check Your Hearing

Take Our Three-Minute Online Hearing Test

Sometimes we don't notice hearing loss until it starts to impact our lifestyle. Struggling to hear work colleagues, friends or family, or missing out on a sound, can mean missing out on the full story. While there's no replacement for a consultation with a hearing-care professional, the Jaipur Speec Hearing Centre can provide quick and useful feedback about your hearing.

How The Free Online Hearing Test Works

Before starting the online hearing test we need a few details about your gender and age and to make sure your sound settings are adjusted correctly.

  • Find a quiet area to complete the hearing test.
  • Choose if you prefer to use your device speakers or headphones. Headphones will provide you with more accurate results, and unlike device speakers, will test your right and left ears individually.
  • Make sure the volume is on and set at a comfortable level.

This online hearing test will help you identify difficulties with understanding speech in noise.

  • You will hear different combinations of words first and then numbers, always in groups of three, while background noise varies.
  • Select the three things you hear by selecting the corresponding icon or number shown to the left.
  • If you get distracted and miss one of the words, you can press the replay button to have the last combination repeated.
  • If you are using headphones, a hearing test will be done for both right and left ears.
  • Finally, if you are using hearing aids, we recommend that you remove them while taking the test.